Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I'm A Work In Progress

In true Baptist form, I resist change in my life a great deal.  For those of you who don’t really know me, I am an O.C.D. routine oriented person.  I like to know what I am doing, when I am doing it and who I am doing it with.  So, as you can imagine change is difficult on me.  However, I am realizing more and more that God is the greatest change agent this world has ever seen.

God literally turned the world upside down when He sent His Son into this world.  What Jesus did to the religious system that had been set for hundreds of years was radical.  He came preaching and teaching a message that was diametrically opposed to what the people had been taught all their lives.  Suddenly, instead of the rigors of religion as their way of salvation they were to place faith in a man who was unlike anything they had ever known.

Such is the case with our lives even today.  Paul wrote to the Romans in chapter 12, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”  The word, “transformed” is where we get our word metamorphosis.  There can be no bigger change than that.  The Bible speaks that when someone is saved the old things of their life are gone and now all things are new.  That is change.

However, the change doesn’t end there.  We are constantly being changed in our lives day by day.  God is always pruning and molding His people and making them what He wants them to be.  Unfortunately, many people, like me, resist such change in their lives.  We get very comfortable in our current lifestyle and don’t want anything to rock the boat.  I am learning more and more each day that I have to be moldable to God’s will in my life.  No matter how much it may sting or make me uncomfortable, I must be obedient to the work of God in every area of my life.  If I resist the change in my life that God is trying to make, it is pride.  Pride makes us believe that we know better than God.  Pride causes us to do things our way and refuse to change.  Change, when initiated by God, is the best thing for you.

Remember, God is always working on you.  He is always trying to make you something you can’t be on your own.  Don’t resist the change, but rather welcome it.  Welcome it as the working of God in your life.  You are a work in progress.  And thanks be unto God that He cares enough to continue to work on us!